Your best option for the day
Choose a one-day or half-day plan to suit your schedule.
The tour contents vary depending on the season and weather,
Contact us by phone or check the schedule calendar .
We have prepared a tour where you can enjoy the sea of Ogasawara where Bonin Blue is very beautiful.
We have two boats, so we can accommodate large groups.
Tour schedule
We have 1DAY or HALFPlan
Please enjoy combining multiple tours.
1DAY ¥13,000- (About 7 hours)
HALF ¥8,000- (About 3 hours)
Wild southern bottlenose dolphins and dolphins live in the sea of Ogasawara.
If you can meet, you can swim together.
If you are unfamiliar with snorkeling, take a learning in advance.
Whales are the world's largest mammals, and in the waters around the Ogasawaras you can find humpback whales and sperm whales. They come to the Ogasawaras to give birth and raise their young. When observing whales, make sure you approach them carefully so as not to startle them.
Knorr Island is a small, uninhabited island to the south-west of Chichijima Island. It is an island made from limestone projecting in a unique formation called a "karst." The island is home to the concave land hermit crab, a protected species, as well as precious endangered species. It is also a breeding/nesting location for seabirds and the green turtle. In order to protect this precious natural environment, the Tokyo metropolitan government has set rules for the use of the island.
This is a beach lesson that teaches beginners how to put on a mask.
After the lesson, we also do simple sightseeing on the island.
A veteran diving instructor will guide you safely through the sea of Ogasawara.
There are various points in this sea, such as white beaches, beautiful corals, colorful fish, and sinking boats.
For those who have tried it, it needs no introduction. However, to the uninitiated it can sometimes be a little difficult to explain. "Side water-skiing" or "water snowboarding" might be the easiest words to use to get the concept across. However you choose to describe it, it is a marine sport that looks cool and feels even better! With all the jumping and acrobatics you see on TV, wakeboarding looks difficult. However, the reality is that it is so easy almost anyone can do it!
The content and time will vary depending on the season and weather, so please contact us for details.
In the half-day plan, you can experience only one type of each activity.
The content and time will vary depending on the season and weather, so please contact us for details.
An island with beautiful nature, also known as the "Galapagos of the Orient".
Let's take a walk in such a mountain of Ogasawara.
The course will be set according to the customer's physical strength and demand, so
Want to enjoy nature and take a little hard adventure trekking!
Please do not hesitate to contact us!
There are 1 day tour and half day tour plan.
1DAY ¥9,500- (About 6.5 hours)
HALF ¥5,500- (About 3 hours)
The Ogasawara Islands are home to a very beautiful display of nature, so much so that they are called the “Galapagos Islands of the Orient.” There are many plants peculiar to the islands, and there are many protected species, including the evergreen oak Japanese wood pigeon, the Ogasawara buzzard, and the Ogasawara fruit bat. You can see them all on your walks to scenic destinations on the islands.
First-time visitors to the Ogasawara Islands probably get an impression of roughness from the rugged rocks on Chichijima Island. Take just one step into the island's interior and there is evidence everywhere of how hard life was for our predecessors. Take a walk into the past and learn about some Ogasawara history.
There is more to the nightlife on the islands than a few drinks before bed!
Night-time in the Ogasawaras also has a lot of hidden appeal.
Some of the island residents literally show their true colors in the darkness,
so come and see for yourself!
Night-time tour ¥4,000- (About 2 hours)
Star watching ¥4,500- (About 2.5 hours)
Look for mushrooms that glow faintly in the dark,
We meet natural monument Ogasawara flying fox.
You can enjoy the starry sky unique to Ogasawara with little light.
If you want to see this sky closer, there is also a star watching course using an astronomical telescope.
* There is no snake like a hub in Ogasawara, so you can safely observe it at night.
The sun sinks into the western side of the ocean, the sky is dyed orange, and another day draws to a close. But now it is time for the true stars to shine. And shine they do—so many of them, and so brightly. It is a special moment. Beautiful with the naked eye, and even more fascinating with a telescope, take time to enjoy them as you try and get closer.
Indian Ocean Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose dolphins, the genus Tursiops, are the most common and well-known members of the family Delphinidae, the family of oceanic dolphin. Recent molecular studies show the genus contains two species, the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus), instead of one. Research in 2011 revealed a third species, the Burrunan dolphin (Tursiops australis). They inhabit warm and temperate seas worldwide.
Spinner Dolphin
The Spinner Dolphin (Stenella longirostris) is a small dolphin found in off-shore tropical waters around the world. It is famous for its acrobatic displays in which it spins along its longitudinal axis as it leaps through the air. It is a member of the family Delphinidae of toothed whales.
Enjoying watching and swimming with dolphins
Going to see wild dolphins means entering their world. As you interact with the dolphins, we would like you to bear in mind that they have their own lifestyle rhythm just as you do yours. When swimming with dolphins, we wear a mask, snorkel, and fins. There are waves, and in some places it is so deep you can't see the sea floor. Prior snorkeling lessons are a must for visitors who aren't used to wearing a mask, snorkel, and fins or who can't swim well—this will also help you communicate with the dolphins! Just ask any of our friendly staff. We especially recommend the half-day snorkeling lessons conducted on the beach in the afternoons after the Ogasawara Maru ferry docks. That way, when you go for your swim with the dolphins, you will be relaxed and able to enjoy it without panicking. Mr. Takesawa has been a PADI-qualified diver for nearly 20 years, so he can be of assistance if you feel uneasy about anything. Once dolphins are sighted, take time to observe them from the deck of the boat. They may seem to be taking it easy, but sometimes they can suddenly dive or move away from the boat. Don't try and chase them if they do, just wait patiently for your next chance.
When the dolphins are in a good mood…
With your mask, snorkel, and fins on, enter the water quietly so as not to surprise the dolphins. If you jump in suddenly and surprise them they often swim away, so keep quiet as you enter the water. Remember that the dolphins are wild animals, so don't touch them no matter how close they may swim to you (if you reach out to touch them they will swim away). When you are comfortable with swimming, try making eye contact with the dolphins. There is something special about the moment your eyes meet and you experience life as a dolphin for the first time. Be prepared to "wait" for the dolphins rather than "chase" them.
Humpback whale
The humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) is a species of baleen whale. One of the larger rorqual species, adults range in length from 12–16 metres (39–52 ft) and weigh approximately 36,000 kilograms (79,000 lb). The humpback has a distinctive body shape, with unusually long pectoral fins and a knobbly head. An acrobatic animal known for breaching and slapping the water with its tail and pectorals, it is popular with whale watchers off Australia, New Zealand, South America, Canada, and the United States.
Sperm Whale
The sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) is a large toothed whale (odontocete) belonging to the order Cetacea. It is the only living member of genus Physeter, and one of three extant species in the sperm whale family, along with the pygmy sperm whale and dwarf sperm whale of the genus Kogia. A marine mammal, it possesses the largest brain of any animal. Its name derives from a milky-white waxy substance, spermaceti, found in its enormous head.
Whale-watching from land
There is nothing that can beat the intensity and emotion you get from observing whales in their natural environment in the ocean, but before you get in a boat to go and see them up close, why not observe them from land first to learn more about how they live and behave? Humpback whales in particular can be rather vigorous in their movements, leaping out of the ocean only to crash back in, and slapping the surface of the water with their fins, among others. It is still not known what the meaning of this behavior is, but whale watching from land is the best way to observe and speculate.
Whale-watching season
Humpback whales can be seen off the coast from late December until early May, and sometimes they even come into Futami Bay. On days when the seas are bad you can still observe them from the land. Sperm whales can be seen all year round in the open ocean roughly 20 km from the islands, and the best time to see them is when the oceans are comparatively calm, from early summer in June until October, but even then only when the sea is especially quiet. When participating in whale watching in the Ogasawaras, you must abide by the rules of the Ogasawara Whale-watching Association. Take Nature Academy is affiliated with the association, and it conducts its whale-watching abiding by the association's rules. The rules stipulate watching from a distance of 100 m for humpback whales and 50 m for sperm whales, and traveling slowly once you are within 300 m of the animals. More details can be found on the Ogasawara Whale-watching Association's homepage.
Karst topography is a geological formation shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrock, usually carbonate rock such as limestone or dolomite, but has also been documented for weathering resistant rocks, such as quartzite, given the right conditions.
Rules regarding the use of Knorr Island
Visiting the island is prohibited for the three months between November and February, as the vegetation on the island is recovering (excluding during the New Year holidays). Visits to the island must be in the company of a Tokyo metropolitan government nature guide, with a ratio of one guide to every 15 visitors. A maximum of two hours is allowed for each visit, with walking to be kept to the determined routes, and the removal of anything from the island is prohibited. All shoes are to be washed before landing on the island in order to avoid the introduction of outside species.
Wakeboards require flat conditions to play with the towing waves of their boats.
Therefore, the environment of Ogasawara, which is surrounded by the sea on all sides, is not the best area, but when the sea conditions are perfect, it will turn into a slope that can not be beaten anywhere in the world.
In the transparent sea of Ogasawara, there are coral reefs and sometimes slippery encounters with manta rays and dolphins while riding.
I often slide in Futami Bay on Chichijima or Takinoura on Anijima according to the conditions of the sea, but basically during the day there is often the influence of the wind and the influence of other boats, Early morning and evening are the best conditions.
Towing boat
The boat owned by this shop is a 115-horsepower specification of wake-up 23 developed specifically for wakeboarding by Yanmar, so it is possible to pile up weights according to the rider's level and increase the wake (towing wave).
In addition, you will be able to experience a powerful wake that is as competitive as a ski boat because it has an original specification with a trim tab.
Plant history
Ogasawara is a marine island that has never been connected to the continent.
How did the plants come to this island that popped up in the middle of the sea?
The seeds that floated by the floating currents, the spores that were blown away by strong winds, and those that attached to birds arrived on the island.
Many plants have been brought in from outside by human hands.
Let's walk while touching the roots of the plants in Ogasawara and the history of the island.
It is a chance to meet rare animals such as lizards and birds besides plants!
Trekking course
Courses will be set according to your physical strength and needs.
Those who want to enjoy the nature leisurely Please feel free to contact us if you want to have a hard adventure trek!
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